On Friday 10th February 2023 at Don Bosco Muhazi Vocational Education and Training School, young people, parents, school management and local administration representatives joined in a celebration of the Feast of Don Bosco.
The event started around 9:30 am and was preceded by the Holy Mass concelebrated by the Gishaka Parish Priest and Father Ryszard Jozwiak, sdb.
In his homily, Gishaka Parish Priest encouraged students to work hard in their studies.
During the Mass, the sacrament of baptism and confirmation was given and one of the young people was accepted into the Catholic religion.
After the mass, there was the ceremony which was marked by traditional songs and dances performed by Don Bosco Muhazi Cultural troop.
During the ceremony, one of the sisters of Inshuti z’Abakene took the opportunity to thank God for the step she had taken recently when she made her perpetual vows to consecrate herself to God. The youth expressed their gratitude to her role in training them and striving to equip them with the knowledge and skills that help them to compete on the labour market.
Different messages were delivered to the parents and young people and they requested that the Salesian administration consider how to establish the boarding program because it would help improve the quality of education and take care of the youth.
This request was also addressed by the Gishaka Parish Priest where this school is located.
The Gikomero sector administration congratulated the Salesians for continuing to promote education by referring to the legacy of Don Bosco, an exemplary educator and Saint Patron of the youth.