In Rwanda every last Saturday of the month, there is community work commonly known as “Umuganda” in Kinyarwanda.
The main aim of this community work is to contribute towards national development and creating a cohesion among the community members. On Saturday 26 November 2022, the oratory of Don Bosco Kabgayi organized community work especially for the youth of this oratory.
The goal of this activity is not only to keep the oratory clean but also to educate them about community work and to develop the spirit of environmental conservation among the young people.
According to Father MUNYANKINDI Anaclet director of Scolasticat Don Bosco Kabgayi “when the parents of our young people participate in the community work, we had thought that it could be good, that their children come to do the same where they come to play, so that they learn to take care of all things around them.”
“Now we are planting trees, they have to know that they have a duty to protect and to take care of them so that they play in a safe environment.” Father Munyankindi explained.
Father BASHEMEZIMANA Thierry, who is in charge of the oratory, thanked the children who participated.
He expressed his joy in seeing children working courageously and happily. “I’m happy on this day of community work in our oratory. It’s been quite a long time not doing this work because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We really hope that children will be many as soon as we continue to do this and day after day, they will feel responsible for keeping our environment clean and safe”
Father Thierry continued saying that it is very important to give young people early training on community work and to be responsible, because this helps them to be good citizens.
He also said that very soon in Don Bosco Kabgayi a club of environment protection will be founded.
He wishes to restart and to strengthen other clubs of the oratory. He gave the example of “RENGERA UMWANA CLUB” which aims at making each child in this club aware of their rights, their duties, and how to fight violence.
On the side of the youth, they were very happy with this work. They promised to be promoters and protectors of the environment. Almost every child who was present, promised to plant a tree where he/she lives and to follow it up until it grows.