This assembly brought together a number of confreres from all communities of Salesians of Don Bosco. The day commenced with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Fr. Maximus Chikwem Okoro who entrusted this day of discernment to the Lord. He referred us to Art 121 of our Constitutions to understand what kind of a superior our congregation wants.
There were two exercises:
1. The first exercise was to evaluate the Province itself using SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities/Urgent needs, Threats) of the Province and then the profile of the Provincial we need.
2. The second exercise was how to fill in the required information for nominating a new Provincial.
Fr.Maximus expressed his sincere thanks to the confreres for turning up, which showed love for the congregation, the region and the Province. He encouraged the confreres to work hard for the betterment of the young people in our Province.
On behalf of the community of Bombo, Fr Thomas thanked everyone for coming and prayed for a safe journey back to their respective communities.
Dn. Godwin Cekecan, SDB