On 30th – 31st January, 2023 Don Bosco Kamuli organized a two-day workshop for all their staff, i.e. Teaching and non-Teaching Staff. The objective was to build an understanding of the mission of Don Bosco and the duties of collaborators together with the Salesians of Don Bosco.
On day one Fr. Ferdinand Ntunzwenimana, the Director and Principal presented about duties, responsibilities, and rights of the Don Bosco collaborators. He noted that they are always agreed upon to establish a good working relationship and to ensure commitment towards them through the document known as a Contract.
Session two of day one was presented by Fr. Joseph Musagala, the school administrator and it was about the Don Bosco educative and preventive system. All collaborators get to learn and get reminded of the three pillars of the Don Bosco preventive system, that is to say : Reason, Religion and Loving kindness.
On day two Mr. Innocent Mutala presented a session on Child protection and Safeguarding, explaining a child as one who is below the age of 18 years or any other person considered a child as per the different social constructions. Topics ranging from children’s rights, child abuses, abusers, and effects of abuse were tackled and discussed.
The main event of day two, being 31st January was the Don Bosco feast, Father, Teacher and Friend of the youth. The celebration of mass began at midday. It was beautifully animated by the staff choir.
Games and Sports, drinks and food made a befitting climax for the day with all the staff, the young kids all over the compound and all the visitors and participants from the entire Kamuli district having fun together.
Some of the winning teams from the sports and games included Don Bosco army in basketball, Savio girls in netball, Savio stars in football, and Don Bosco Madiridi in volley ball. Other awards were presented to the best in brass band, acrobatics, jazz band, commentary, coaches, and referees.
It was such an eventful “two-days” which ignited the spirit of Don Bosco and the desire to be like him in all areas of life.
Brother Célestin HAKIZIMANA sdb