On 29 June 2022, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 26 young Salesians renewed their religious vows of living a life of poverty, obedience and chastity in the salesian congregation. This ceremony took place during the Eucharist celebration presided over by Rev Fr Pierre-Celestin Ngoboka , the provincial of Africa of the Great Lakes -Vice province. Concelebrated by Father Raymond Bavumiragiye, vicar of the provincial and president of the commission of formation in AGL, Father Anaclet Munyankindi , the Director of Don Bosco Kabgayi and by Father Sinaize Bigirimana, vicar of Father Anaclet . Also present was also Deacon Jean-Claude Uwizeyimana as well as members of the salesian family of Kabgayi and some Christians.
In his homily, the provincial urged the young Salesians to always meditate on the question asked by Jesus Christ of his disciples in the gospel of Matthew : “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others said Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
The provincial added “This is a question that each one has to meditate on personally in his heart, “Who is Jesus for me as a young salesian in formation!”
He further urged the young Salesians to take up as examples Saints Peter and Paul, the great and faithful servants of God. “The mission was not easy for them, they went through tribulations yet they didn’t abandon their love for God because they saw how perfect and great God is” “Getting prepared for the mission that is awaiting you is becoming more and more complicated but always do what you can do and leave the rest to God”
In his concluding remarks the provincial wished the post-novices a good continuation and courage in their formation, wished a good mission to those soon leaving for their practical training in Burundi and Uganda.
After mass, there was the sharing of the meal in the salesian atmosphere.
Richard Dickson MUGASHO and Jean-Paul NGENDAKUMANA, department of mass media in the Scholasticate Michel Rua of KABGAYI.