The long awaited day of the feast of Don Bosco was to wrap up everything in Don Dosco nursery and primary school, the program was opened by mass at 9:00am led by Fr Posiano Mayiga the youth chaplain Uganda martyrs shrine Namugongo with Co-celebrants Fr. Pascal Shauri SBD, Fr .Wilfried Mushagalusa SBD and Fr Eli Nyandwi SBD. The mass also included some of the Salesian brothers that’s Bro Hubert, Provincial economer and Bro Cyprian. The children of Don Bosco nursery and primary school, parents, teachers and the local community around were all present. Later after mass, thousands flock to watch a football match final which was organized by the school assisted by the games master Mr. Magezi . this final came out after different colors involved in the competition which started on 19 February 2020 that is to say Blue color, Yellow color, Red color and Green color respectively. Briefly on the various tournaments, Blue color versed yellow color which ended 3:1 in favor of Blue color, The second match was played on Thursday were Red color versed Green color and ended 2:1 in favor of Red color and later on Saturday marked the final match which was between Blue color and Red color . The match begun at 11:45am as scheduled and it was between Blue color and Red color which qualified for the finals. As Don Bosco is famous in games and sports, the matches brought excellent entertainment and moments of relaxations to Don Bosco nursery /primary school and the entire community. As soon as the match ended with Red color taking the lion’s share than the crowed departed for other items and that was lunch, awarding the best performers in the match, and a bit of music dance and drama as the source of entertainment. At the reception, the gathering included Don Bosco children and other people in their respective capacities .A school teacher in the names of Mr. Felix was the master of ceremony assisted by another teacher, It was yet another interesting place with full of joy, smiles and laughter’s mention but a few. The community provided what was enough inform of food drinks for both Don Bosco community, friends, and parents who were involved in the function .It was really full of enjoyment to the children of Don Bosco. After the meals, the school choir, acrobatic performers, and one of the dance crew entertained visitors, this is one of the ways Don Dosco community promotes, develops and gives freedom of expression to the upcoming generation (youth). Furthermore Ssentongo Allan a primary seven candidate who scored 3 goals emerged as a top scorer, Kamanda Amos a primary seven candidate emerged as the best player Kiwendo Henry as the best defender and Niwamanya Gerald primary seven candidate best goal keeper, were awarded with medals by Rev Fr Eli the director Don Bosco nursery/primary school assisted by Rev Fr Wilfred the assistant and other religious. Finally the heads of the school gave their last speeches by appreciating and giving a vote of thanks to the parents and well-wishers for trusting them with their children.