November 20th, 2022 Sunday, Christ the King of the universe, was a very solemn and grace-filled moment in Kamuli Salesian community whereby distinguished Salesians of Don Bosco who work in Uganda, the Provincial Economer, Father Servilien Ufitamahoro, and friends of that community were gathered together to celebrate Brother Laurent MINANI ’s 25th anniversary of Religious life. This followed that on Saturday, November 05, 2022 at the Lycée Don Bosco Ngozi, where our silver Jubilarian Brother Laurent MINANI celebrated his jubilee together with Father Joseph KABADUGARITSE, who was also celebrating his golden Jubilee of Religious life; the community found it worthy to celebrate together and have party after party locally (Ngozi and Kamuli).
The mass was animated by the school choir “St Cecilia” with various songs to Don Bosco, songs in Latin, English and local languages. Father Kennedy was the main celebrant of the mass, He congratulated the Jubilarian for being a good example of remaining faithful in 25 years back and assured him that from this moment on is going to start preparing the homily that he will preach again on his golden Jubilee, in 2047. Following the Eucharistic celebration, the festive atmosphere continued with congratulation functions for the Jubilarian including sharing solemn meal, drinks, speeches, offering of gifts, among the others.
Celebrating a Silver Jubilee is an opportunity for us to step back and give thanks for the gift of Brother Laurent’s vocation to the Church and especially to our community, and to give thanks for each of our own vocations, praying that each of us will be given the grace to remain faithful until death.
Br Célestin Hakizimana