It is on Saturday, 25th January 2025 – the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul –
, the community of Namugongo hosted the Salesian family in Uganda to celebrate this year’s RM Strenna, and all the communities were ably represented. The feast was blessed with the presence of the vice provincial, Fr Frederick Murindangabo.

Fr. Arasu Lazar, the preacher, in his reflection expounded on the major key words of the Theme blending it with Scripture passages, quotations and with a Papal bull “Spes Non Confudit”,  showing that HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT that is CHRIST.

Don Bosco our founder is a perfect example who lived and found himself in a situation of hopelessness: in his studies, in his vocation,  pastoral among the poor and abandoned young stars, at debut in the  foundation of the congregation… Despite all these, he saw light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope provides stability, security and direction in turbulent times. In the dream of Don Bosco of a ship sinking, the symbol of Hope as Anchor is a gift, virtue and choice every young person should see and find in a Salesian. Therefore, the Salesians become hope in times of challenges and eventually journey with the young people to fulfill their desired dreams.

In choosing hope, a young person becomes Resilient, develops a positive outlook, inspires and motivates others. In a nutshell , it is a typical work of every Salesian, every Christian, every teacher, every parent, leader etc. to be a witness of hope to young people as we journey with them.

He beautifully contextualized his reflection in Uganda with concrete examples which simplified the comprehension of the strenna. Because of this, spontaneous reactions from the audience spiced the day completing the preachers talk. Indeed it was, it is and it will be a day and a year lived in Hope.

To mark the climax of the celebration, a Holy mass was presided over by Fr Thomas Oloya who reminded us during his preaching to be courageous to change and be instrument of God’s word of salvation, of hope in this challenging and hopelessness world just as witnessed in Saul who later became Paul.

The vice provincial, in his evening talk encouraged the Salesian family in Uganda to carry on with the good work especially journeying with the young people during this pastoral year.

Viva Don Bosco!

Fr. Godwin Cekecan, SDB @ Kamuli.